Beautiful world

Beautiful place this beautiful world

people around  all over the place

I listen to them, how much they complain.

It’s always too long the time that I take

and so this is why I ask for my rights

my freedom is precious, my life has no time.

They are not very smart, I know and I care,

the words are important and have to be true

the words that are crowding the space in the blue.

But they do not listen, put hands on their ears,

they don’t understand that all that we need

is  empty our souls of all needless thoughts

and stand for the truth, but few love the truth .

And few understand  what all is about, I wonder

myself sometimes and I doubt, that once  time will

come that they’ll understand.

But that does not matter, the only thing is

I follow the path is laid down for me.

1 commento su “Beautiful world”

  1. Bella! Anch’io, quando guardo le bellezze che mi stanno intorno, la natura, l’arte, la storia che sta dentro le città e i villaggi, quando penso al piacere di una semplice passeggiata nel verde o lungo la spiaggia, mi chiedo come si possa accettare che tutto questo vada distrutto per le ambizioni di qualche guerrafondaio, o, peggio, per l’insipienza di qualche governante incapace.
    già, già…


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